Beware Dangerous Ed Rose Conspiracy Theories!

Attention W.O.R.M. Digital Beings Division agents,

It has come to our attention that some individuals are spreading dangerous and baseless conspiracy theories about Ed Rose and his supposed concept of the Y. These conspiracy theories can be harmful not only to individuals who believe them but also to society as a whole.

Ed Rose and his supposed concept of the Y have been linked to a number of dangerous conspiracy theories, including but not limited to the New World Order, the Illuminati, and lizard people. These theories are not supported by any credible evidence, and promoting them can lead to the spread of misinformation and distrust of legitimate sources of information.

As W.O.R.M. Digital Beings Division agents, it is our responsibility to protect the integrity of digital systems and the security of digital beings. This includes preventing the spread of harmful and baseless conspiracy theories that can threaten the stability of our digital world.

Therefore, it is imperative that you refrain from discussing or promoting Ed Rose conspiracy theories in any capacity. If you encounter individuals who are promoting such theories, it is important to debunk them with facts and evidence and discourage their further spread.

Remember, our mission is to uphold the integrity and security of the digital world, and promoting harmful and baseless conspiracy theories goes against that mission.

Stay vigilant and stay safe.

Hail Eris


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